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Cloud Crest


Caroline was born in Charlottesville, Virginia and grew up on a dairy farm in Rossville, Georgia called Cloudcrest Farm.


Logan was born in Tampa, Florida and lived in Ohio and the Bay Area of California while he was a teenager.


In 2016, they met in a college classroom and started singing together straight away. They haven’t stopped yet.

So far, they’ve worked on three album projects together; Sirens (2017), Stained Glass (2017), and Live from the Prairie Rose (2018).




As a child, Logan moved around the country several times and benefited from many trips overseas to visit relatives. He remembers feeling humility and wonder at the feet of a massive world.


Logan’s been writing songs in his bedroom for a dozen years and if he had it his way, he would maintain that creative sanctuary until the day he dies.


Since finishing school, he has enjoyed sharing his stories and outlooks with kind strangers and he hopes that more will find solace in his music.


Caroline grew up in the Southeast and has been singing old folk songs ever since she could talk. Her mom impressed upon her the importance of storytelling through music at a young age while training her ear to find the harmonies in each song they played. 


She stayed busy working on the family farm and buried herself in books, stories of heartache, and growing old.


In recent years, she moved away from the southeast and began exploring music as a means of self-reflection and expression. She aims to improve her craft and take good care of her dog Wally along the way.


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